Behold Your Democratic Party in the Act of Genocide!!!

Behold your Democratic Party!!! Standing yet again steadfast with the genocidal state of Israel as they mass murder children!!! Standing with support unconditional!! Standing with propaganda, with war mongering, with inaction, with aggression, with collaboration of all kinds. Of all kinds!!! We send our military even now!!! We send the troops to help Israel kill children!!! 

It is time to start telling the truth about the Democratic Party. We must CEASE this pretending that they are anything else but imperialists, genocidists, war mongers, killers of children; the most catastrophic policies of the American state have been bipartisan efforts: the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the lethal US/Mexico border, the support of genocide by Israel. ALL are bipartisan. ALL are bipartisan. Even precious DSA-approved(tm) Democrat leaders are turning their backs, are at the very most insufficient, even the most left of them, in standing to stop against the clearly and self-evident, genocide of an oppressed people. Even where there are some voices in the Democratic wings that are speaking out on behalf of Palestine, the overwhelming response is pro-genocide. Indeed, under a Democratic president of such low quality, of such a record of war crimes, that we were so bullied by certain factions of the fake left to elect, we are sending troops… to kill in the genocide. Certainly this is something that no one on either set of the aisle, is willing to be partisan on; indeed, the ever bipartisan call for war and death rings out louder than any illusion. This is a bipartisan crisis and it is existential in the most profound and material usage of the word. 

This article is not to discuss *what we should do about it*, in favor or not in any direction, a matter for later musings, and surely, all will continue to have their angles, those who seek to move the Democratic party to the left, those who are considering starting an independent socialist party — that is more than just a marketing caucus of the Democratic party — those who seek revolution and those who seek reform, and those engaging with the matter of the Democratic party from any position. Rather, it is a DEMAND that -all- of these parties FACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, AS MADE SO MATERIALLY AND DISGUSTINGLY CLEAR in these days of child death that seem only as endless as the number of children that still await an unrelenting massacre. Again, Palestine is a state of children. This must never be unmentioned, it must never be glossed over. HALF of Gaza’s people are under 18. 


There is no ability to reason about the Democratic party, to reason about what must be done to change its character or provide a new way forward, by some means, by reform or revolution; there is no ability to reason about the nature of the political establishment in this godforsaken country, without acknowledging its true nature. And the ethical DEMAND, the ethical FOUNDATION, is in material truth, which rains from the fucking sky as bombs for your evidence. 

Indeed, there has been enormous efforts and mobilization around the Democratic party by most notably the fake left, to bolster clearly unacceptable candidates, to whitewash its reputation and make it appear more open and likely to change than it is, all asking or demanding us to put aside, a material acknowledgment of what the Democratic party is, and what it has always been. Here, we are not dealing with a “good side, bad side” scenario, and we are certainly not dealing with a “lesser of evils” situation: when the matter at hand is the genocide of a people that is mainly children, there is only unfathomable evil, immeasurable evil, and clearly, on this matter, it is materially equal evils, collaborating evils, bipartisan evils.  

In the scrabble to put up something against the Republicans, these absolutely pathetic and failed efforts, have failed to produce a remotely reasonable thing, a remotely morally acceptable thing, a remotely humane alternative —  a deep truth about the Democratic party has been CONTINUALLY covered up and lied about; after all, it would jeopardize the voting for Democrats that, in opposition, is required by the Democratic party, and that includes certain fake socialist movements, who have performed an overall function, over the years since the Hilary/Trump fiasco, of distracting and camouflaging the true character of the Democratic party. 

Enough is fucking enough. We need to tell the truth. Without telling the truth, there is no political change, no social change, that is possible. It is not sufficient that we are “not the other party”, especially when we are indeed, “the other party”, and offer no “other party” of our own. 

We, the left, CANNOT win in a world where we refuse to face the material character of our supposed party, of the political establishment, when we refuse to speak plainly, in uncertain terms, in terms of truth, and holding the sanctity of human life before the campaigns, and having a foundation of truth, that suffuses every and all engagement with this matter. And there MUST be a justification in that engagement that addresses, directly, in no uncertain fashion, the truth, and the truth that is unfolding: a Democratic party complicit, collaborating, glorifying, aggravating, and providing military support and backing, to a heinous genocide, that already has created an un-healable, uncontainable rend in the world. 

Tell. The. Truth. 

Behold your Democratic party!! 

Something must change!! This is the clearest, the most undeniable, event, to which there MUST be a profound, severe and uncompromising response. It is our job on the left, to come up with an answer to this outrage, this betrayal of the most fundamental principles of human rights, the rights of children to live, to grow and become adults. This DEMANDS swift, decisive, and powerful action. Children are dying. So many of them. And they are being wiped out.

So, we stop fucking lying about the Democratic party.


And already too late. 


Silicon Valley Has Gone Dark


Israel, Venture Capital Collaboration and the Genocide of Palestinians