MAP Abducts and Sexually Abuses Child; MAP Must Die

Awful story out this week about a 13 year old boy from Nebraska who was kidnapped by a pedophile and repeatedly sexually assaulted. The pedophile targeted the child first on Discord and Roblox, and moved to Twitter, where the contact moved onto other digital mediums, including VR.  

From reporting: 

“In tweets reviewed by NBC News, the accused adult identified as a ‘map’ — a common online abbreviation for ‘minor-attracted person.’ @HunterFloofyFox excitedly referred to the teen as ‘my lamb.’ Both the teen and the Hunter Fox account made frequent references to the online furry community — a group of people who roleplay as anthropomorphized animal characters. Hunter Fox repeatedly talked about a trip he said the two would go on together. 

Twenty-five days before the abduction, police sent a search warrant to Twitter to learn more information about the man police believe was grooming the teen. But they misspelled the username. 

When the police corrected the error several weeks later, Twitter did not immediately respond, police said. 

Five days later, the teen was abducted, according to prosecutors and the McConneys.”

This pedophile was part of the MAP pedophile ring. MAP is an organization of pedophiles that tries to brand pedophilia as a sexual attraction and uses constructs from LGBTQ rights movements to legitimize themselves. MAP stands for “minor attracted person”, and supposedly creates a community of outcasted people who can support each other; in this distortion, pedophilia is an unwanted sexual orientation, and MAP is posited as a safety measure to keep pedophiles from offending by ending the stigma and shame around it. This thin veneer of misdirection has been enough for tech companies to hide their inaction behind, allowing MAP to flourish on their platforms.

Several years ago, I wrote about the MAP threat and the need to shut it down. Other activists and investigators have been sounding the alarm for years. This is a known problem, a known pedophile group that has been operating on multiple platforms for years. Both users and owners of these platforms are well-aware that MAP is active there.

Pedophiles are group predators and organized criminals, working together to groom, attack and share child sexual abuse material. MAP is a pedophile ring, and one that has been allowed to grow on social media for a long time. As much as anyone would like to make this about a single platform and a single platform’s response, this also involves a larger phenomenon where sexual predators are allowed to organize online over years and years, in plain sight of everyone, with no one doing anything. This is the inevitable result of letting pedophile groups thrive and thrive openly: sexual abuse of children.

This attack did not happen in a vacuum; it happened in the context of a pedophile ring that has been operating on many sites who themselves target children and teens. The lack of seriousness with which tech, law enforcement or even the feminist movement, has taken MAP, is what got us here today, as much as any specific detail of this case. 

The MAP community first moved onto Twitter from Tumblr, after Tumblr banned adult and explicit/sexual content in 2018. At that time there was a pretty significant outcry because again, far from being clandestine, the MAP pedophile group was immediately visible on the site. What Twitter did, under Jack Dorsey at the time, was to actually update the ToS to note that MAPs were ALLOWED on the platform and were not in violation of ToS to conduct their group. While Twitter eventually removed this stipulation, the MAP pedophile ring has continued to operate on Twitter. Which means it has gotten bigger, more connected, more effective. Going on for years now. Paving the way to this attack today. 

Things like this don’t happen in a vacuum. Our response needs to consider the larger context of a highly organized pedophile ring, and the fact that nothing has been done to stop it even as it flourished openly on Twitter and Tumblr before it. This of course, is one of the most striking things about this case: the grooming happened over time, on open and public Twitter. 

“On the Hunter Fox Twitter account, the adult interacted directly with the boy’s account, where he posted selfies of himself on a school bus and in other locations.”

“‘He had photos, images of my son, on Twitter. Everybody could see it,’ Heather said. ‘How do you not see this is a child? If you would have taken 10 seconds to go and look you would have seen it. And if you would have just released the information, we would have been able to find this person.’”

So I think one really important point here is that in platform-facilitated pedophilia, it is often the case that people know about and can see the abuse. This is exactly what happens in real life as well. We tend to assume that these crimes are secret, only to find out, again and again, that multiple people knew about it, or that the situation actually played out in public or full view. MAPs have been openly grooming children on Twitter for over four years now. With pedophiles, things are usually much less secret than you like to believe and that is an important consideration when we look at how pedophile attacks occur on social media platforms.  

Above all, this case makes it clear that MAPs need to fucking go. What is required as far as stopping this on social media, is that MAP needs to be shut the fuck down, ripped out, and destroyed.

Platforms waiting until an assault has already occurred is bullshit. They are watching these groups gather and grow on their platform across years, doing nothing. And they don’t have the capabilities of responding to real-time threats on children either, because they aren’t serious about protecting their young users. Many of the people who make social media do NOT let their children use it.


What should be happening, is that we should be rounding up MAPs and destroying their ring. Proactively dismantling the ring, not waiting until yet another child has been raped or even killed. The current system, across policing and law enforcement and tech platforms, is based on us being in a defensive / reactive role. A pedophile attacks, grooms or rapes a kid, THEN we step in. (Theoretically). Dismantling of rings doesn’t happen at all; even where attempts have been made to excise a ring like in the case of the Catholic Church, they have been unsuccessful due to this defensive posturing and insufficiently severe, proactive measures; I just read another report of a pedophile priest, still happening even after everything we’ve gone through with these people. Because not enough was done to stop them, and because taking this down as an organized ring was not prioritized, and because our approach to pedophilia is above all, post facto.

We can’t let this happen with MAP.

 A defensive posture doesn’t work; we need to GO AFTER these pedophiles full force. People often say “but how do you KNOW someone is a pedophile FOR SURE”, as if the only way to address this issue is if you capture the pedophile raping a child. But in MAP you have people who are self-identifying as pedophiles, and talking to children in public. So what is it?  

MAP needs to be dismantled. That means tracking them down and showing up at their fucking houses. Platforms should be hunting these rings up, easy to do from their vantage point, and immolating them wayyyy before we get to a situation like this, where a pedophile has been allowed to openly operate and then openly groom a child. Platforms need to go on the offense against these groups. There can be no question on any side of the political aisle that this group must be dismantled. 

Tech platforms have a ton of strategies on their hands that they aren’t using. Four years of MAPs organizing openly on Twitter, now we’re here. How about, you send some of your people to the house of every MAP on the site? How about you sue the ever-living shit out of them for using your platform to do this? How about you put together a RICO civil case against all MAPs? There is tons of grounds for that here and the existence of the MAP configuration means RICO applies. How about providing reports to every single person in the MAP’s life with their activity documented? How about having an actual purge of MAPs where in a few days, you get rid of thousands of them, with all the best bans you have, device tracking, IP, whatever? Armageddon these motherfuckers.


Addressing a pedophile ring when something inevitably and obviously happens, is the 100% wrong approach. And that is true for tech platforms and it is true for broader community response. 

Pedophiles are hostile actors and yet they don’t receive even the ire and effort that goes into stopping bot nets. They are not treated as hostile entities on the platform; rather, consideration is given to their free speech and making absolutely sure not to impinge upon them. This is fucking insane. This is literally supporting child rapists in creating an open, public pedophile ring — MAP — and using it, AS THEY ALWAYS USE RINGS AND WHY THEY USE RINGS — to rape children. 

Platforms take a passive approach and have allowed social networks to become havens and hunting grounds as sexual predators. They have allowed predators to have more access, more tools, and less accountability than ever before. And to radicalize.

Tolerating pedophiles = raped children.

Rings like MAP lead to only one thing. 

I’m not willing to entertain any high horse bullshit out of tech companies, that there is some sanctity of the platform so profound that pedophile rings must be allowed in order to maintain its integrity. Fuck that. These companies are violating our rights everyday, they violate ACTUAL free speech constantly, they watch all of our moves and use this surveillance to drive their monstrous super-corps. They manipulate elections with our data, trick us into buying a bunch of bullshit, sell it to whoever is the highest bidder, hand it freely over to intelligence agencies. Tech also tracks and targets communities of all kinds as a course of business  — they are absolutely no stranger to monitoring an organized, special-interest group whether that is a political group or an activist group. They can do this for MAP and then lay on the heat.

Yet suddenly when it comes to pedophiles, these platforms have no idea who anyone is, how to find them, no clue what this organization looks like in the data. They play stupid whenever this comes up. 

It turns out, addressing child sexual abuse would require totally changing how the platforms operate, where children and teens are the primary drivers of adoption and revenue, yet no effort is made to protect them. Pedophilia is the worst, but not the only, harm that is consistently leveled at children on these platforms; going after pedophiles enters the prospect that platforms must do more to protect children in general. And they definitely don’t want that. 

This doesn’t even require non-public insights!!! I have hunted MAPs before, easily determining their identity, compiling activity and then distributing the information to the MAP’s family, friends, social groups, employers, etc. Using ONLY public information on Twitter. 

Something like this could be arranged on a broader scale. All of these people should be rounded up, documented and chased away from society. And certainly, they should NOT be allowed on platforms like Twitter, where they have been able to build this type of network and produce this child abuse . 




If tech platforms, or anyone for that matter, is serious about stopping child sexual abuse, it’s time to go after MAP with everything we’ve got. And wipe them off the face of this planet. 


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