Venture Capital: Raising a Fascist Movement

We have a problem! Yay. One of these days this blog will say there is good news and on that day you will know that I have been captured by enemy forces. 

To the program. With venture capital as a rising fascist power, they need a far-right movement to go with it. This need is now existential as they actually set up physical settlements and move forward with their plans to operate as their own sovereign, distributed state, operating through a global, floating physical and digital infrastructure, called by them the “network state”. 

 In these efforts, far-right movements protects their agenda, builds their power base, spreads their ideology, and legitimizes it on the world stage. There is an existential need for world legitimization because the venture capital state will require the recognition of sovereignty from other states; this will come primarily from right-wing regimes (installed and/or influenced by venture capital) as we are seeing in El Salvador, where the dictator Bukele is forwarding the venture capital political agenda, has venture capitalists firmly established in the government, and is signing over taxation, regulation, natural resources and land to the venture capital invasion. In Palau, venture capital is circling and using it as a model of how to obtain sovereignty and UN recognition. In the case of El Salvador, this is a strong-hold in the region, and many experts are concerned that the right-wing extremism and oppressive policing tactics could spread to other regions. Additionally, El Salvador is a focal point of the overall Bitcoin maxi community, as they see there an opportunity to push Bitcoin adoption by force, and to “prove” that Bitcoin is better than existing sovereign currencies. (This of course brings up the concern that causing currency collapse is very much in the tactical cards, a topic we will explore in the next few posts). 

In Honduras, we see additional interface between nation-states in the global south and the invading venture capital element. In Honduras, fascist venture capitalists, operating through Pronomos Capital, obtained a sovereign zone to build a city, called Prospera. Amidst huge community backlash against the invasion and the clear and present danger of displacement of native communities, the elected left-wing government overthrew legislation allowing the zone. But the venture capitalists have retaliated using blunt force legal tactics which many in the global south, and even in America with the building of a venture city in Solano County, a monster secretive land grab of over $800 million secured through legal intimidation, will not be able to resist. 

Venture capitalists are now SUING HONDURAS FOR TWO THRIDS OF ITS ANNUAL BUDGET FOR A VENTURE CAPITAL SOVEREIGN ZONE. Showing the blunt force legal attacks they are prepared to take to enter a country against its will. This also means the Honduras government becomes a target for interference from venture capital, and other manipulations in the country — they can bribe/buy politicians, interfere in local leftist movements via infiltration and bribery, and cultivate relationships with right wing elements that exist there. So, they are very naturally on the course of bolstering these elements and engaging with the right-wing element, on a global and simultaneous scale. 

The colonization mandates the creation and shoring up and feteing and installment of right-wing elements; this is the inevitable result on their invasions into these areas. As these invasions involve so many countries, this shoring up will fuel fascist movements with venture capital backing, and making a new and elevated level of fascist organization possible. And its important to keep in mind that the venture capitalist’s money can go a lot further in these areas; they are now very much known in the United States for backing right-wing elements at multiple levels of government, so they will be doing this same behavior in other places — the venture-backed coup in Bolivia which Elon Musk has famously bragged about comes to mind. 

Crypto, already a massive body with extremist fascist elements, is being used as the Trojan Horse for a broader fascist agenda. The transformation of El Salvador into a military dictatorship backed by venture capital, is loved and adored and triumphed by the crypto community, and the entire package of the technofascist state sold under the guise of cryptocurrency, which surely plays a major role in the colonial agenda, but does not fully encapsulate the entire fascist thrust. 

This at a time where we have tons of evidence that venture fascist backed startups are involving themselves more and more with efforts to create political or pseudo-political movements. For example, Coinbase — from fascist VC firm a16z — has recently launched a fake grassroots movement “Stand with Crypto”, that encourages people to lobby the government for venture capital-advantageous candidates and legislation. So it is already heavily engaged in growing venture capital backed and operated “grassroots” campaigns; this additionally provides fodder and energy for a greater and more extremist community. They know how to do this from running social media platforms forever; when they actually go into being a full gear global distributed political machine, we should expect to see the very sudden elevation of right wing elements and the creation of new vehicles in which to promote the fascist agenda — wether that is campaigns focusing on crypto, AI or another technology, inventing/promoting various fascist offshoot brands/concepts, and creation of right-wing startups and funds; we actually have the development of fascist startups, something that we see most plainly with Yuga Labs, a web 3.0, a16z-backed company that has as its logo a very slight variation on a well-known symbol of the Nazi SS and had an openly racist NFT collection, a16z driving $450 million to Yuga to spread this fascist content and creating a community of, according to a source, about 10,000-15,000 people. 

We’ve talked a lot on this blog on how, since very early in the development of social media, venture capital has played a huge role in starting, platforming and nurturing fascist gangs from 4 and 8 chan, Hacker News and the like. They have entered a new age, a new range of faux-ideological ops, showing a much broader base, larger ambition, and wider coverage area. It is important to realize that this fascist conspiracy has always and will always operate through many, many faces, from Bitcoin and crypto “movements” to the never-end burnishing of tarnished ideologies like accelerationism. The popular term “TESCREAL”, coined by some clueless academics, recognizes a subset of the culture and ideology ops that venture capitalists are creating, as they work to spurn dozens and eventually hundreds of various fascist pockets and elements, that we will likely see coalesce at some point down the line; one major theme of the network state ideology is that the fascist state will be built distributed, but eventually re-centralized into some glorious technofascist homeland. (Requiring them, of course, to seize someone else’s homeland). 

There is and will continue to be a never-ending supply of fascist psyops, from effective acclerationism to cypherpunk and the sovereign individual and the professional managerial class and master/slave morality and it just goes on and on and on. One of the reasons that attempts to describe the ideology at play, like TESCREAL, fail, is because they don’t realize that all of this spaghetti ideology is being churned at a furious pace and volume on purpose, and as ops, and is the effort to hide the material, core, and enduring ideology of straight up fascism, under thousands and thousands of fascist-adjacent talking points in the long tail, each deployed for the spy op du jour. 

Nonetheless, these talking points ARE evidence of venture capital’s active nurturing and shaping of right-wing actors or potential right-wing actors. Indeed, one of its biggest problems is how to radicalize the base it most controls — computer programmers - yet further to the right, and that is why you see in the technology sphere, the deployment, testing and iteration of this rapid-fire assortment of ideas. They are identifying what works, what their base responds to, they are testing trojan horse movements for the fascist agenda, they are successfully professionalizing the fascism and they are also standing as leadership that is pushing the envelope of what is considered normal and acceptable politically in the industry. TESCREAL lacks a materialist analysis of the fascist pillar OR how it is materially generating and spreading the ideology in very thoughtful marketing ops. That is why, even if you read the very convoluted analysis of TESCREAL, you will totally miss the point, which is that this is all part of a broader cultivation and socialization of fascism, which takes at this point, literally thousands of forms, creating extremely fragmenting dialectics like that we see in AI, where against all reason, they are lining up on the form of “AI boosters” and “AI doomers”; another sideshow among dozens and hundreds that venture capital is using as an ideological vehicle and movement framework. In order to generate increased radicalism in their base, they must enter conflict with leftist elements, such is the dialectic. Here, they are fully in control of what those lines are, and are effortlessly shaping the narrative to their advantage as opportunists scramble over acronyms, just like they intended. They aim to be the man behind the curtain, they ARE the man behind the current, and resistance means both exposing that man and also taking control over the ideological battlefield: correctly identifying and naming fascism, and ourselves raising a true global, anti-fascist movement. 

An important thing to understand about venture capital is that they go through HUNDREDS of ideological frameworks and talking points, they are a never-ending, churning font of promoting new concepts and ideologies. Marc Andreessen just in the past cycle has been through: bootlegger vs baptist, the PMC, effective accelerationism, master vs slave morality (from Nietzsche), an intense and enduring anti-communist phase, with a special hatred reserved for Lenin, a theory of the “god shaped hole”, cypherpunk, the “one leader”, the medieval cult, and it just goes on and on and on. They are kicking up a huge amount of confusion and misinformation about what their fascist conspiracy is specifically doing, making is very difficult to isolate what the ideology actually is, especially as it moves around all the time; its a technique of confusion, manipulation, smoke screens, side shows.  

And the topic of movement building has been much on Marc Andreessen’s mind, speaking in a recent podcast about the constant interaction between social movements and reactive, right-wing movements throughout history. Like those of us reading this blog, he knows very well that a new cycle of social movements are beginning. He is no longer taken aback by mass movements, which scared the heck out of many in Silicon Valley upon first encounter. Marc has consistently identified 2014-2016 as a pivotal time in his intellectual development — the “tech lash” and a moment of serious re-evaluation on the part of venture capital, as the resistance effort was quite a shock to them. You’re welcome, for the cold shower. 

This time, surprise, gullibility, innocence, is not the case. And they are proactively designing the movements instead of reacting to them. They are no longer mystified by social movements and thus they have gone through the gauntlet that in some ways produced this moment. We are always in a dialectic with the enemy and they have learned from us how to start and execute movements; and now that they have whittled our movements down to nothing, it is their turn. 

“American Dynamism” is a political platform that a16z came up with as philosophy/investment pitch that is basically about renewing and rearming America, with some suspiciously Nazi-esque positioning about the birth rate crisis and so on thrown in. Now, venture capitalists are not Republicans by any means, nor do they give a fuck about America, which they are rapidly pulling out of. They are opportunists, and will attempt to start fake movements using whatever container is most advantageous; in this case, they capture American right wing elements and bolster enthusiasm for imperialism and a military build-out. Venture capital is behind a number of such efforts and each is tailored to appeal to a different audience; American Dynamism is a play for primarily politicians, other venture capitalists, their limited partners, but there is certainly a “grassroots” or pseudo-populist side of this too. 

Venture capital is also perfectly resourced to provide the infrastructure for a movement/movements — funding, intelligence, data, weapons, influence over politicians, media platforms. One of the biggest problems we have is that venture capital fascists are using their money, media and social platforms, to create a new wave of media. This is happening at a moment of power vacuum in the media as Gawker, Vice, Buzzfeed going under; we are in a “winter” of liberal critique, and The Intercept is drowning in lawsuits, its golden teat — one of Omidyar (PayPal Mafia) pet projects — removed and it now begs with zero shame for donations to meet legal fees. Marked for deletion. Teen Vogue, oft-heralded for its progressive political content, has gone out of vogue, and all of the major mass media, has coincidentally been purchased by tech billionaires in the intervening years.

This of course leaves a huge opening for tech fascists — who are EXPERTS in media, who MAKE the social media platforms, and who has FUNDED a great deal of the preceding media, INCLUDING Buzzfeed, to come in with another generation of fascist-backed media, infusing it with money and resources and ideological points and culture ops and even the promise of crypto wealth. To this effect, we are already seeing some pretty major developments. Pirate Wire, hosted on Substack, is an a16z/Founder’s Fund publication that presents tech news and opinions through a fascist lens. Evie, a Peter Thiel-backed platform for women (lol), that is inserting extremist right wing ideology about childbirth. There is Upstream, where tech fascists from the venture world go to air out their more extreme viewpoints. The Network State community, podcast, etc. is from a16z operatives and forms one of the community concentration points for the colonial agenda — building up a combination of crypto millionaires and hapless wannabes that are rabid about the right to establish their own country (in other people’s countries). Yuga Labs, is very much a media company as well as a number of other right-wing startups funded by venture capitalists. As the bubble continues I suspect we will see the launch of quite literally hundreds of different media operations, platforms, podcasts launch, and most of them, we won’t even know where the funding came from. But I do.

With so many media platforms, they are able to host all the right wing and extremist elements, and provide critical infrastructure for the development of a global fascist movement. And it is the limitless resources of the venture capital fascist conspiracy that we deeply have to fear. While in the past 15 years, siccing hate message boards from Hacker News (from fascist a16z affiliate Ycombinator), Reddit, 4chan and 8chan, on early activism within the industry and then broadening to a larger liberal focus, has been extremely useful, the next stage of this — as they take the next steps in the material step of fascist crystallization and expansion — is a few fold. 

They need to really take this global, and start nurturing right wing and fascist elements within target countries in the global south, where they are building billionaire cities on sovereign zones achieved through deception and legal threat. Two, the movements have to be more organized, have more hands-on handling, so they will be easier to control. And three, those movements need to be installed with a higher level of infrastructure, again to control and spark them. For example, at a recent Oracle event, Larry Ellison heralded some new Tesla “cyber truck” as a “next gen police vehicle” — this is the type of support that can be easily extended to right-wing elements, for free or rather subsidized, to right wing elements globally. 

They will come bearing gifts. 

Where is our side on this? What is our plan? Because with a left this weak they are in a position to mow us the fuck down and people either don’t know, or are playing dumb, about what is happening. And what is going to happen next. Things can change very suddenly and I think this is yet more indicator that we may be facing such a reality, of very sudden ascension of fascist elements globally backed by trillions of venture capital dollars. The true rising fascist state. The ONE thing we PROMISED to stop. 


Currency Collapse, Crypto and the Venture Capital Agenda


Venture Capital As a Geopolitical Force