Vulnerabilities of Tech Fascism

1. AI chips. 

Tech fascists are relying on a small number of companies to get the AI chips they need to fuel their entire new platform of AI shit for weapons, consumer products, enterprise, surveillance, police tech, crypto etc. They do not have the capabilities to design and manufacture AI chips themselves, so they rely on Nvidia, TSMC, AMD, etc.. Andreessen Horowitz for example has been purchasing large amounts of Nvidia AI chips to offer its startups; further, the tech fascist conspiracy has been engaging in significant efforts, led by Sam Altman, to attain these capabilities for themselves, seeking trillions of dollars in expenditure. Ah, desperation.  

However, any such gains would be many years away as far as meaningfully having manifest destiny over their own hardware, and this is a conspiracy whose bread and butter has been the software built on top of hardware. Even as they expand, they are not going to get their own capabilities in time for their current stage in the trajectory. 

This leaves them vulnerable to embargo of various kinds by the tech giants :) 

2. Prosecution for financial crime. 

For decades, a16z et al have been engaging in a variety of borderline and outright illegal financial activity, mostly concerning its shady transactions with retail customers, this has been captured by industry observers like Molly White. Then you have what I see as the centerpiece of VC crypto financial crime.  Founder’s Fund, Andreessen Horowitz and YCombinator — the trinity of tech fascism and its origin and operating base — effectively ordered a bank run on Silicon Valley Bank in 2023, predictably causing its collapse even though the bank was insolvent at no point. I wrote more about that here. Afterwards, there was lots of screaming and crying from VCs to get made whole by ye old federal government, but no one considered that the wailing was the cover for the fact that tons of the outflow from Silicon Valley Bank went into crypto banks owned by tech fascists. Mercury, a crypto bank backed by a16z: “In the first few days after the collapse, the company saw more than $2 billion in deposits. And in all of March, Mercury saw nearly 8,700 new customers depositing funds into its accounts.” 


Tech fascists have assumed that they got away with this, but the statue of limitations for such things is long, and at some point, this case may be open and re-examined. 

3. Secession charges. 

The Network State is a secessionist plot that involves moving large amounts of American talent, money, infrastructure, communications and financial platforms, outside of America and into a nebulous, floating infrastructure of colonies and international no-mans-land tied together by tenuous legal treaties between corporations and sovereign nations. Seems like something that America should be interested in stopping. Surely in this supposedly nascent (highly advanced) stage, this is unrealistic for the US to pursue, being slow and clueless about the Network State. But as the conspiracy advances and more and more is moved out of America into these crypto tax havens, perhaps the IRS among other government agencies will be interested. 

4. Prosecution for conspiracy to crash the US dollar. 

This one is coming more and more into focus. As I wrote in “Currency Collapse, Crypto and the Venture Capital Agenda”

“The rise of the new venture capital financial system is directly connected the fall of the previous; the venture capital goal is to get as much of the global economy running on its own financial infrastructure as possible. Yet in particular, the slow speed of “normal adoption”, or adoption by retail consumers CHOOSING to use this technology, is simply not fast enough for VC aims. It would take wayyyyy too long to actually go after retail customers and genuinely appeal to them — especially as this offers no value for the vast majority of people and the technology is massively inaccessible — a slow trickle is not their goal. The barriers to entry are too high, access is still extremely difficult (another tip that none of this bullshit is for us), and the value proposition to the majority of the world, which is impoverished, simply is not there. 

To get where they are going, they need rapid changes to the economic system, they need massive onboarding events, that result in massive inflows of money into their financial system. And in the world of such greed and urgency, and with the colonial nature and habit of Bitcoin already well-established, we are going in the direction of intentional currency collapse, economic crises, where there can be major influxes onto the VC infrastructure. Currency collapse, as framed in Bitcoin maxi literature as inevitable, natural and even positive events (giving way to superior money), is clearly implicated; and entering countries in the global south with these technologies, means that entire country’s financial systems are at risk of hijacking, forced demolition, and artificially-induced mass onboarding.*  Indeed, these sudden financial upheavals are openly and proudly discussed among especially Bitcoin Maxis, using language such as “blowing up” the existing financial system, and alluding far too often to “the collapse”.”

* We are seeing this play out in Argentina now. 

And this is consistent with comments from “Satoshi”, Thiel, Trump, Bannon, Balaji Srinivasan, Max Kaiser the head of Bitcoin in El Salvador, and others intimately connected to this conspiracy. The attack on Silicon Valley Bank shows their willingness to attack financial infrastructure; it grows clearer by the day the Bitcoin is actually an attack on the dollar that lines up with the agenda of tech fascists and in fact, what they are economically incentivized to do. In fact, this agenda is barely concealed.

IF this is realized by the US government in time to stop it, this is such a high crime and such a deep threat, that we can hope that they, and other sovereign governments, step in to stop and prevent it. Indeed, you see sovereign countries in Latin America — like Honduras  — rejecting the tech fascist financial system as a threat to sovereignty, or in the case of Venezuela, developing their own sovereign approaches to cryptocurrency while identifying tech fascism as a clear and present threat, the source of coups and new vast colonial projects like the Network State. The more countries that recognize this, the more hope we have of fighting it. 

5. Disgruntled retail customers of crypto. 

Here, “retail customers” means your everyday Joe who bought some crypto or some memecoins and got all his shit busted and lost the family farm or his mother’s life savings and so on. We have seen instances of coordinated anger and backlash against VCs like a16z and their companies, mainly Coinbase; take the Pepe launch of 2023 which saw tens of thousands of crypto users tweeting “Delete Coinbase” and talking in hundreds of spaces about VC corruption. This points to the existence of a large base of crypto users who are well aware of venture capital market fixing, rug pulling, deception, etc. The number of people who have lost significant money on crypto due to the events is a pool that is only growing. While crypto bros are extremely difficult to organize and can only be usefully harnessed for a short period of time, the EXISTENCE of this group is a potentially powerful cohort of resistance against tech fascist venture capitalists. 

6. Victims of displacement, wealth gaps, imprisonment, surveillance, etc. by tech fascism. 

Around Network State colonies and city invasions I.e. Miami and Austin, with the arrival of tech fascists in their new roosts and colonies, they will face a body of resistance. Look no further than that of Solano County, whose residents have mounted a fierce resistance to the  planned Network State site California Forever, and recently succeeded in knocking it off the ballot for several years, delaying construction time. LFG!!!! As I have written on extensively in this blog, creating a global movement connecting for example the resistance to the Network State in Honduras, under invasion, with Solano, also under invasion, would be massively powerful and has the potential to kick these people off the board. 

7. Students from technical universities. 

Tech fascism has a particular interest in young white and Asian boys from major universities such as MIT, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon University, etc. They actively recruit from these schools and try to get particularly promising/sociopathic talent to drop out and join the conspiracy. 

And yet there is a hope. Students at CS schools wage a constant war, each year of school, against weapons companies who show up to recruit on campus. In 2019, they mounted an incredible resistance to tech-enabled border atrocity, in the #NoTechForICE movement, which saw students across the country organizing. It was incredibly inspiring.

 Every single year this is an issue as students recognize they are being sucked up into the war machine and across technical colleges and universities, express their desire for these companies to get kicked the fuck out as they try to recruit on campus. This is a potential area of significant resistance to the military arm of tech fascism, and considering the strong involvement of the student body in protest against the genocide of Palestinians, we can expect this conflict to only grow. This is a powerful cohort and one should not underestimate them; see: student role in stopping the Vietnam war historically. 

To the youth we must look as it is our broken fascist world we give them for a future. We must work hand in hand with them and provide them with financial backing, information, public support, air cover and organizational tools. 

8. National security threat. 

The close work of tech fascists with other countries with mixed relations to the US, such as Saudi Arabia, as well as their various ties to Russia and China, suggest that far from being America-oriented, they are just in it for their own expressly non and anti-American purposes. As they continue to build colonies specifically to escape America, and create foreign alliances through sovereign wealth funds — their weapons contracts with the US, giving them access to key intelligence, are in conflict with the vast web of their other financial transactions and their increasingly complicated, nefarious and opaque relationships with foreign entities. 

Maybe we shouldn’t be handing off a bunch of weapons contracts to secessionists that are deeply embedded in dealings with other countries, including non-US allies. 

I will follow this up with a Vulnerabilities in Tech Fascism: 2 soon, as there are more, but this is getting long, and you are getting very sleepy.

The important take-away here is that we perceive tech fascism to be undefeatably strong; this is far from the case. They are in a larval moment where they are trying to escape the chrysalis of the crypto winter, dry their wings, and fly… but this is the most dangerous period in the fly’s lifecycle, when it is dangling about, covered in goo and immobile while only dreaming of flight. We perceive them in their grasp for power as strong, but they have many vulnerabilities. If they are exploited all at once, we actually have a good chance of ripping tech fascism out of the industry and most importantly, out of the world. 

We can win. 


The Tech Fascist Plan for the Presidency