The Crypto Community and the Trump Campaign

We are now seeing the “crypto community” emerge as a major political force in elections both here and abroad. Take for example the fact that Bitcoin jumped 3% on the election of fascist Javier Milei, now president of Argentina, an “anarcho-capitalist”, “libertarian”, oh look just fascist; because he promised to implement the crypto financial system and gut the government and social services to make way. Similarly, Bukele of El Salvador who has also implemented the crypto financial system, is roundly adored and championed by crypto holders; with no care that he is a massive human rights abuser and literally fascist, and only care about the implementation of the parallel crypto financial system in El Salvador. 

This is key to understanding the crypto community - they have no values, no morals, no understanding of geopolitics, they only care about the price of their venture capital tokens going up. 

I spent a lot of time in the crypto community over the course of the crypto winter. This was in part because of my interest in Pepe, a memecoin that started out with an anti-venture capital ethos but was quickly compromised by… venture capital. So I learned some things about what is involved in the “crypto community” — for our purposes, the vast web of crypto holders who are actively involved in public discourse about it. Which I would like to share with you!! 

So basically the reason why there even IS a crypto community is because they work together to make the value of their coins and purchases go up. Take for example memecoins, a ponzi scheme in a box. Take something like Pepe. They launch a coin, and then they set to work immediately working as a group to “pump” it through marketing. The need to work together to pump coins, INCLUDING Bitcoin, even at its current size, so they can all make more money off of it. So in order to pump it they host all kinds of Twitter spaces, YouTube, meetups, events, conferences; they make all kinds of AI-generated artwork and memes; they use social media incessantly; they even do exceedingly dumb shit, like do MMA boxing with each other to see who can punch each other out etc., I wish I was joking, resulting in even less brain cells existing in the space. RIP.

So when you are talking about a scenario like this community being yoked by venture capital into larger political agendas - like electing Trump  - we actually have a lot to be concerned about because they might be stupid, but they are ORGANIZED. The crypto winter itself has led to a manufactured victimhood, as they now perceive themselves as both being victims of some catastrophic draught and as having survived it into their new riches by being smarter than everyone, when really the argument could be made in reverse. 

Having effectively taught crypto bros to organize towards the metric of venture capital imagi-bucks, they are now able to aim this same machinery at the political apparatus by instructing them — as they have compromised politicians like Trump with bribes — that those bribed officials will make their venture capital tokens go up. The model — of pumping coins up — is going to go, is already going, straight into the election of … Trump. Another fascist who has recently adopted a crypto platform as btw Peter Thiel has been spending a lot of time in Argentina with Milei… wonder what that’s all about … 

      So, we have an existing community of people that are highly organized fringe players, and now going to be sicced on both the global political stage as well as the American democratic elections. The high level of organization makes them dangerous, as does the very simple, single-issue incentives playing out: vote x so your tokens are worth more. That is an incentive that is very difficult to argue with. So when Trump says “I’m good with all of it” regarding crypto, he obviously is not just speaking to the institutional holders of Bitcoin — although that is certainly at least equally as powerful — but to every fucking degenerate buying a lambo off a ponzi scheme with a definitely not at all fascist adjacent anime theme. 

Another thing that makes this dangerous is the strong trolling aspect of the crypto community. These are not polite dainty people who are going to have reasoned debates about things. Rather, the crypto-verse is exceedingly toxic; for one, it is almost totally dominated by men, only 30% of crypto holders are women and from my survey of the landscape, a tiny fraction of those are involved in the community part of it; that is because the space is openly misogynistic. If you go into a crypto twitter space you are likely too see a lot of men hiding behind anonymous avatars trying to dunk on each other, and the mass insecurity and fear of being dunked on leads people to be more and more aggressive and frankly, meaner and meaner. 

So this force that just got aimed at the US elections by crypto venture capitalists who just made a major deal with Trump, is in character, mean, cruel, abusive, negative and chauvinistic. They are a lot like 8chan and that’s not from some weird coincidence but rather from the fact that a lot of crypto people are ex 4 and 8chan and that the culture comes straight from them; of course internet degenerates were the first ones to get into shady bursty culty memecoins and small scale financial crime!!! 

And also, lots of them are open substance abusers, tweakers, on speed and meth, etc., this is not a very chill community so while a lot of people in startup land are doing LSD and LDS right now, the person who is really gonna shine in a 24-hour round the clock hype space for a meme coin is not the person communing with nature and sensing auras but rather, the methhead, the person buying street pressed Adderral, stimulants, caffeine, some alcohol, but undeniably “up”. This is an uppers game. 

It is not only the “pump” we have to worry about — the way that this online community is going to go absolutely ham ($pork) for Trump, but also the fade. The fade is when you try to deflate the value of a coin and thus lose a lot of money for other people. Usually this is in tandem with trying to pump some competitor. And the mechanism for fading is very well-developed as well, and is a form of attack on a coin, whether under or overhanded; to devalue the price of some competing coin. So imagine what a fade on US politicians looks like.

These groups are obviously highly infiltrated and managed by venture capital, FBI and CIA plants, campaign strategists, chaos actors; the group think that is required to push a memecoin invented by an incel to a multi-billions market cap also makes them extremely vulnerable to outside tampering, which in fact is what this is: the venture capital infiltration of what is supposed to be organic community and compromising for purposes that go far beyond crypto. Most of these losers have very little clue of how a venture capitalist functions and have less than 0 clue that they are being constantly manipulated; that level of manipulation just went through the roof.  

This group of people is about to be extremely important in the election. And, they are a fucking menace; they can bring an extremely high level of coordination — both social and financial — they will win the culture war through a very advanced skillset in memes, cultural production (art, video, comics) and events, conferences, meetups, boxing matches, they have incredible distribution, some of them have serious technical skills, and they are all madmen who have just been made single-issue voters in the darkest way; a total repudiation of social responsibility for the basest of material aims: the price of a meme coin in an obvious ponzi scheme. 

Let’s go America!! 


The Network State as An Investment Product


Fascist State in a Box: Outcomes of Venture Capital Colonialism