Fascist State in a Box: Outcomes of Venture Capital Colonialism

This article is to make the Network State real for you all and demonstrate in clear terms, what some of the consequences are and will be, in easy-to-follow language. 

If you don’t know about the Network State, read this first

You would think that the left, when presented with concrete and easily verifiable evidence of a major fascist plot in the tech industry - to start their own sovereign nation-state - would express alarm, concern, would immediately begin to mobilize. 

You would be fucking wrong. Instead what you get is a lot of people going “lololololol these dumb tech dweebs”. Congratulations, a kindergartener could mount a better response to fascism than you. This is not a fucking joke and everyone needs to start worrying less about getting clout for “sick burns” on actual psychopaths, and more about what we are actually going to do. Dealing with this level of un-seriousness in the left is demoralizing, exhausting, and defeating. And this is the consistent response from journalists, from human rights organizations, from politicians, from movements and movement leaders, and from the so-called left in America, from activists and podcasters. ALL OF YOU. 

Let me lay out what we are actually looking at as far and WHAT IS HAPPENING and WHAT COULD HAPPEN with the rise of venture capital’s fascist state. Let’s see if you can manage to take it seriously by the end. 

1. Installation of fascist politicians around the world. 

This one is already happening and you can see it in front of your eyes. Two major global fascist players we have on the board right now, are in Latin America, with El Salvador and Argentina having provably fascist leaders in Bukele and Mieli respectively. El Salvador is already literally crawling with venture capital as Bukele transforms it into a crypto economy; similarly, one of recently-elected Miele’s moves was to install crypto, and then he set to work on his fascist political projects to consolidate power, undermine democracy and gut the government and social services. Milei recently attended a right-wing extremist rally in Spain, has met with Peter Thiel quietly in recent months, and will be doing a tour of tech fascists in the US at the end of this month, including Elon Musk and Marc Zuckerberg, both key members of the a16z + PayPal Mafia conspiracy. 

In addition, Trump has linked up with both Bukele and Milei at CPAC, Milei actually giving the talk right before American fascist and two-time nominee Donald Trump; the two shared a “close hug.” And Trump has recently debuted his support of crypto on the heels of numerous fundraising meetings with crypto VCs. They have been actively building a fake grassroots movement to convince crypto bros to attack elections, “Stand with Crypto”, as well with a bloom of crypto super PACs funded by fascist venture capitalists. Crypto is now a critical issue in the upcoming election and will play a key part in Trump’s win, with crypto VCs working overtime to install this fascist in the presidency so they can do whatever they want as far as technological development broadly and crypto specifically, an attack on the US dollar and on democracy.

Now, venture capital *is already* giving these fascists material support for their fascist regimes; they after all are the crypto barons themselves who are implicated in these economic transitions. So it is not in question whether or not they will shore up fascist politicians; they are and will, because in exchange, they get to force their crypto financial system on these countries, and get land for their Network State, and eventually, diplomatic recognition for it. And we are early. So with venture capital as global political power, controlling social media as well, and having billions upon billions to spend on elections, and having shown in the US that they will drive huge amounts of cash and influence and social media manipulation, and having shown that they will collaborate with fascists, we are looking at a fascist political uprising across the globe, with venture capital pulling the strings. 

You can bet your sweet ass that they will be continuing to do exactly that, and that in fact, they can provide the financial backbone — through crypto and development spend and bribes and startups and tourism etc. — as well as the political and ideological platform — as well as a global army of crypto users weaponized and radicalized into political weapons by venture capital. 

This is an obvious recipe for the coup of countries. Remember when Elon Musk said “we will coup whoever we want”? And who do you think is the “we” in that statement? Any interest in the fact that the CIA has funded over 120 AI startups? 


2. Wide scale human rights violations in medical experimentation. 

There are about 4,000 - 7,000 biotech companies in the US (variance is because sources often use different methodologies to arrive at this number). Venture capitalists are behind the dominant number of these startups. They have a problem in the US: the FDA. They would like to move to human trials as fast as possible. The Neurolink fiasco is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Human trials are what accelerates biotech. So of course venture capitalists want to accelerate this. They tried to get fascist Balaji Srinivasan, part of the a16z conspiracy and public face of the Network State, in as head of the FDA last go-around, arranged by Peter Thiel under Trump. Balaji is one exceedingly sick puppy and he believes in “consent only” medical testing; I.e. exploiting human guinea pigs and moving as fast as coercion allows. 

Peter Thiel was behind unregulated herpes vaccine trials in St. Kitts. And on the Network State colony of Prospera in Roatán, they have been doing experimental gene therapy as the Honduran medical community is outraged and organizing to stop it. A parasite on Honduran land, Prospera is also suing Honduras for $11 billion because Honduras wants them to leave. Now. LEAVE.

Then you have the Vitalia project, which operates out of Prospera, with the tagline “Come Build A New City - To Make Death Optional”; its mission “accelerating the progress of life extension technologies”. 

The more colonies and cities they can build, the more they will be able to “accelerate” medical development as they escape all jurisdiction. They have thousands of biotech startups waiting in the wing. In fact, this is such an existential need for them that they are totally fine with making medical experiments (none of these people are doctors or have any medical training) the first agenda item. They will create a “biotech boom” and medical experiments will be one of the first things implemented. 

This is of especial concern because they are extremely rich and they are targeting areas with serious economic oppression and poverty, like Honduras, El Salvador, Nigeria, and Kenya — of Kenya, you may recall eye scans for Sam Altman’s startup Worldcoin that was giving people crypto for retina scans, until they got shut the fuck down. 

And that is exactly what the Network State fixes: no one can shut you down if you’re a sovereign nation-state, even if compromised of colonies and not a centralized land mass. And think of El Salvador, where 77,000 people have been incarcerated in inhumane conditions, many tortured and killed, all to make way for the crypto class. The crypto class is now well-established in El Salvador, and the VCs are already in discussion to create a sovereign colony inside El Salvador. So they are gonna be doing risky, unregulated medical testing with a bunch of startups who are started by non-medical professionals, who are fascists, sitting right next to a prison fulllll of potential test subjects, the largest prison in the Americas in fact. 

This is a recipe for human rights abuse and medical disaster and death. What happens when they start killing impoverished Black and brown people with medical experiments, will you take the Network State serious? This is also a recipe for forced sterilization, organ harvesting, stealing of genetic material, and lifetime negative effects of premature human experiments.

Do you care yet? Do you think it is serious yet? 

3. Impoverishment, surveillance, incarceration, environmental destruction, and labor exploitation around colonies. 

Venture capital is actively setting up colonies across the global south, including the fully operational Prospera in Honduras. We don’t have to ask ourselves what the impact of tech colonies will be, whether they take the form of “acceleration zones”, crypto cities or medical experiment colonies, because we see what they did in San Francisco. Which they utterly wrecked. And now in San Francisco, they are trying to fully push out the populations that existed before, and fully take over the land and the government, and replace it with a fascist tech superstructure. This has been covered in detail by Gil Duran, one of very few reporters who has engaged this issue in a serious manner. 

So in this case we see an invasion of San Francisco, now complete, followed by the effort to set up a fascist state on its ruins. This is their template. It is who they are, it is all they know. And it is one that will be exercised, at greater velocity, at all of these countries in the global south which it is invading. First the invasion, then the full fascist takeover and erection of the fascist state, in collaboration with the total merging with policing.

So what are the implications of this for people in these countries who are targeted by the colonies? Well, they are facing fascist invasion and takeover. SEEMS SERIOUS. This means suppression of rights and liberties, incarceration (something we are already seeing in the transformation of El Salvador into a venture capital state), labor exploitation, impoverishment and extreme wealth gaps, gentrification, loss of land ownership and democratic representation, and an insane amount of surveillance, as we saw in Oakland neighboring the tech stronghold, long a site of resistance, the home of the Black Panthers. 

When people don’t take the Network State seriously, you are saying that you don’t give a fuck about colonialism and the people that will be colonized by this. In Prospera in Honduras, they have already set up a settlement, they are building another one on the other end of the island, the place is crawling with crypto fascists through “crypto tourism”, they are causing environmental erosion, they are intimidating the residents, they are stealing land, and they’ve done the same thing in Nigeria, in its settlement Itana; from critical reporting by Emily Shugerman on the Network State: “When the Lagos State Government expropriated land to create the free trade zone in 2004, it signed an agreement with nine affected communities, promising compensation, alternative acreage, jobs, health care, and educational opportunities. According to a study from international researchers in the journal land, however, the government has not held up its end. Of the 56 households promised compensation, only one was allowed to negotiate the amount and only four were told how it was calculated. Less than a third actually received the money.”  

It is utterly hypocritical to pretend to care about colonization and then ignore the very obvious and material development of the venture capital state through colonization. As well as to ignore the colonial aspect of crypto in which it replaces a sovereign financial system with a venture capital financial system. As well as how the gains of crypto and other tech wealth will inevitably accrue far more to the ruling, privileged and tech classes

4. Providing arms to right-wing extremists. 

A serious resource that venture capital has is… weapons. Starting towards the end of the web 2.0 bubble, there was a serious escalation in the production of weapons systems, and now there is a massive fleet of weapons startups, active in Ukraine and in the genocide of Palestinians, which present a full vision of warfare — land, sea, air; AI, targeting software and battlefield intelligence; missiles, war planes and lethal drones. 

So not only are they in a position to coup countries but they are also able to bestow police and military tech to extremist elements all over the world and to be a military and policing power unto themselves.

 So, they come with gifts, with not only financial infrastructure and financing, but also actual weapons and massive surveillance systems; again I refer you to the Altman-backed Worldcoin and its retina scanning. Crypto itself, far from being anonymous, is actually utterly transparent and a tool of economic surveillance and government oppression. 

What venture capital is offering, in sum, is a fascist state in a box.

Shipping to a country near or far from you; either way, you should care. 


The Crypto Community and the Trump Campaign


Trump’s Deal with Fascist Venture Capital