Trump’s Deal with Fascist Venture Capital

I’ve been talking about the escalating collaboration between venture capital and Trump for a long time, but this week we had an absolutely REMARKABLE development: Trump publicly stated in an address at Mar a Lago a full-throated endorsement of crypto. 

Answering an obviously staged question from the audience on the subject, Trump stated “they are against it, the Biden, Biden doesn’t even know what it is, if you ask Biden, ’Sir are you for or against crypto’, ‘what’s that? What the.. Get me off the stage’, he’s saying ‘get me off the stage’, he has no idea. But look, Gensler is very much against it, the Democrats are very much against it, and I say this: a lot of people are *very* much for it, probably a lot of people in this group, and I’m fine with it, I want to make sure its good and solid and everything else but I’m good with it, and if you want, if you like crypto in any form, and it comes in a lot of different forms, if you’re in favor of crypto, you better vote for Trump.” 

Recently, many headlines have been made about the deals struck between oil companies and Trump in exchange for campaign support. Via the New York Times:  "Former President Donald J. Trump told a group of oil executives and lobbyists gathered at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort last month that they should donate $1 billion to his presidential campaign because, if elected, he would roll back environmental rules that he said hampered their industry, according to two people who were there.” And such is the corrupt makings of our political landscape. 

Yet, less discussion about how a number of venture capital top brass has been seen in a number of political and fundraising meetings with Trump over the last few months, and with Trump’s recently, obviously staged comments at Mar a Lago, it appears that a deal has been reached. These negotiations have included a breakfast meeting with Elon and Trump on March 2024. Larry Ellison is reportedly seeking to install his pick for VP, Tim Scott on the official ticket. . As a recent article notes, “A cash injection from Mr Ellison could solve Mr Trump’s financial problems, which have been compounded by high-profile donors’ concerns about bad press and mounting legal bills.” Meanwhile, crypto king Marc Andreessen has recently appeared as a fundraiser for Tim Scott, with proceeds also benefitting the Trump campaign. David Sacks, another part of the PayPal Mafia, has been setting up fundraisers for Trump.  And recently, Elon Musk and David Sacks held an “anti-Biden” event which included Rupert Murdoch, Michael Milken, Steven Mnuchin, Travis Kalanick (of Uber, funded by PayPal and Saudi Arabian’s PIF — which itself has a monster deal with a16z and a16z has hired ex-Uber as a GP). Oh yeah, that meeting included Marc Andreessen as well. And Peter Thiel. This is a historically significant moment that will change history.

 This paints a picture of of a series of meetings across people that are connected in a venture capital conspiracy across the PayPal + a16z Mafia — the biggest players in crypto —; and just like the Trump meetings with oil executives have resulted in a highly favorable deal for oil companies, we can reasonably conclude that Donald Trump, directly targeting Biden and the SEC in his crypto commentary, involves a deal that has emerged regarding tech billionaires themselves and what they are planning to get in exchange for their contributions to the campaign. Because where the oil companies were making a big deal… the fascist venture capitalists in Silicon Valley were making one too. 

 Trump’s remarks are themselves one of the biggest gifts, to make crypto currency a central platform in the election and to also green light it in regulatory bodies. This has been the biggest obstacle facing crypto VCs, ensconced for long years in regulatory bodies with the SEC that boil down to whether or not the crypto system, which is an attack on the dollar and sovereign financial system and thus sovereignty itself, a hostile entity to the American economy, should be allowed to continue its secessionist plot without intervention of the government. The Democratic establishment is far from letting these fascists run all over the country with financial havoc of “the rich get richer” while millions of regular people are sucked into the penny stocks of memecoins while Wall Street crypto whales — Blackrock, Arkham, Microstrategy, Fidelity, etc — turn it into yet more profit for the uber rich. 

This is a tablestakes issue for crypto venture capitalists, and a deal with Trump promises to gut the SEC and also economic incentives like suspension of crypto taxes, unregulated proliferation and a blind eye to how Bitcoin is a threat to the dollar and sovereign nations around the word. 

And now with the official deal with Trump locked and loaded, the venture capital machinery is primed to be a remarkable, impactful, violent and serious game changer in the election. Armed with multiple crypto super PACs like Fairshake and VC-manufactured “grassroots” movements like Stand with Crypto from Coinbase (a16z funded), that are already participating in multiple-million dollar efforts into attack formation against congresswoman Katie Porter to get her knocked out of the Senate race, and successfully after an 8-chan style campaign of attack ads, Porter calling the attack an “onslaught of billionaires spending millions to rig this election.”  

VCs have been setting up for years, a political apparatus of super PACs, individual donors and a number of “grassroots” campaigns that push crypto holders into political attack formations. All of their crypto companies (3,000 - 5,000 companies), all of their employees, all of the greedy crypto investors with no other care than increasing the value of their venture capital bucks, are going to be rowing fast and furiously to bring Trump over the finish line. Add to this the fascist capture of X by PayPal Mafia and a16z, already onboarding fascists at a furious rate to push the election, and we are looking at a total game-changer for the upcoming months. 

However, crypto is also a trojan horse for a broader set of interests, and isn’t the only part of the recently-struck dealing. For one, the topic of technology regulation in general as the AI age begins; Trump can easily do away with any kind of meaningful regulation (not that we have much today), but creating an utterly lax regulatory environment and failing to develop useful and safe regulatory practices. This extends to the FDA - consider the venture capital’s thousand upon thousands of biotech companies that would really like to get the fast track into human testing just like Neurolink, which tortured and killed a whole bunch of chimpanzees and is now malfunctioning in its first human brain. We can establish that venture capital has already had eyes on defacing and corrupting the FDA, with Thiel in the first Trump presidency attempting to install Network State frontman Balaji Srinivasan as head of the FDA, a man who believes in 0 regulation human trials, “consent only”, meaning that if you can convince some poor impoverished and desperate, and likely incarcerated  person to sign up for your sick Nazi medical experiments, it’s go time.  

Speaking of Balaji, here’s the other thing on the table for VC to get from Trump: the go-ahead on its insane secessionist plot, the Network State. For those of you just joining us, the Network State is a plot by a16z + Founder’s Fund (PayPal Mafia) to establish their own nation-state. You can read more about that here. Suffice to say, this has both global and domestic components; the plot to secede on US soil through California Forever and similar plots to take over parts of San Francisco and turn it into a fascist colony; and the plot to set up colonies across Africa, Latin America, the Mediterranean and the Philippines… so far. Both of these components are a threat to global and American national sovereignty, and also threatens to move trillions of dollars of stolen wealth out of the US. They need an administration that will allow them to do this, and even better, recognize them as sovereign forces… and I’m pretty sure that deal just got made. No one is getting fired today, except for democracy. 


Fascist State in a Box: Outcomes of Venture Capital Colonialism


Implications of the Crypto Boom